
Rosa Maria de Andrade Nery

Foto da Advogada Rosa Maria Nery. Mulher branca, sorrindo, de cabelo castanho escuro curto, usa óculos redondos, uma blaser marrom claro. O fundo da imagem é cinza.

Prof. Rosa Maria Nery is an associate professor for Civil Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo-SP (PUC-SP). She obtained her bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Taubaté, her master’s, PhD and post-doctoral degree in law from PUC-SP, where she teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

She is an arbitrator before several arbitration chambers in Brazil, especially the arbitration chamber of the Canadian Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CAM-CCBC) and of the São Paulo Center of Industries (FIESP/CIESP).

She was an Appellate Prosecutor for the São Paulo State Government and an Appellate Judge for the State Court of São Paulo for 15 years.

She is a member of the São Paulo Academy of Law (Chair No. 60) and the São Paulo Academy of Legal Letters (Chair No. 55). She is also a member of the Taubaté Academy of Legal Letters, of the Academy for Family and Succession Law (ADFAS) and the Brazilian Academy of History and Genealogy Researchers. She is a founding partner of the Union of Catholic Scholars of São Paulo.

She is the author of “Introduction to the legal reasoning and to the theory of private law”, which won the 1st place of Jabuti Price in 2008, as the best legal book of the year.

She is the coordinator, together with Prof. Nelson Nery Junior, of “Private Law Revue”, published by Editora Revista dos Tribunais/Thomson Reuters and is also the author of a diverse range of texts with a strong influence on and acceptance by the courts (especially the Superior Courts of the Country – STJ/STF) and administrative agencies, and popular in the national and international legal publishing market.
